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Monday, August 16, 2010

Home Is Where The Kick-Ass Decoration Is

London will always be my home, the friends and family I have there are irreplaceable and are some of the people I will hold closest to my heart for the rest of my life.
Now that I've got the soppy stuff over and done with, today, after our family riverside walk, I got in and decided to go trawling websites for stuff I'd buy for the new house in Cambridge if I had bottomless pockets. Or the trust of Natwest PLC.

1 - Skull Moneybank, Urban Outfitters £20
2 - Milk Frother, Habitat £30
3 - Glass Teapot, Habitat £15
4 - Cafetiere, John Lewis £35
5 - Hip Flask, Urban Outfitters £14
6 - Slang Glass, Urban Outfitters £8
7 - Outdoor Ashtray, Suck It UK from £10
8 - Tea Strainer, iwantoneofthose.com £8.99
9 - Eco Coffee Cup Set, Urban Outfitters £8

Anyone got  £141 laying about?
Gimme it please.

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