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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Barbie Barbie

I always used to lose my barbie's shoes, and my dolls would be permanently wobbling on one heel or wearing a mix-match of whatever shoes were left in the 'dressy-up-box'. When I saw this amaaazing necklace by Tom Binns I bugggggged outtutututtttt. I love the colours, the different shapes, and the chunkiness of his design. It also reminded me of a more recent event, where all of the left-hand shoes from my cupboard disappeared and were only returned to me when I had to pack up to move back home to London...
Anyway, the necklace. I love that it's something that at first sight looks cool, but not particularly different until you take a closer look. It could be like a little secret, walking down the street having private JOKE wearing barbie's cast offs. It'd be dope for those days when I can't be arsed to dress up at all. Which are becoming more and more frequent...
I think it's a lack of contact with Larry and her dope threads, I miss you!

Also, apologies for how late these posts are...